Massimiliano Pagliara (he/him)
Massimiliano Pagliara, hailing from Tricase (Lecce) in the deep south of Italy, has always been deeply immersed in the world of music. His childhood was filled with a diverse range of sounds, from rap and classical to reggae, dub, and 60s rock’n’roll, a testament to his unwavering passion for music.
Upon moving to Milan in 1997, Massi discovered the city's fashionable and alternative club scene; his imagination was captured by experimental electronic music such as Aphex Twin, Boards Of Canada, Autechre, and Mira Calix.
Massi’s interest in electronic music peaked in 2003 when he finally began pursuing DJing with a passion. Ever since, he’s been spinning records across the world as well as some of the most popular underground venues in Germany – among them Tape Club, SchwuZ, Tresor, ://about blank, Robert Johnson, and of course Berghain / Panorama Bar, where he holds a residency.
Massi describes his style as an eclectic mix of house, disco, electro, and techno – one may call it current-yet-classic.
There’s an ongoing lust for dialogue when it comes to Massimiliano Pagliara – be it through his collaborations and solo productions, during his DJ sets, with his own music label Funnuvojere Records, or on a personal level. The world of dance, movement, and communication is deeply rooted in Massi’s life – when you know how to move yourself, you easily know how to move others.